

Luciano Pasquini was born in Florence but his family soon moved to the country home in Mezzomonte, in the municipality of Impruneta (FI).


He attended the San Gersolè primary school where his teacher was Maestra Maria Maltoni. This represented a really significant cornerstone for his future vocation as an artist, both in terms of pictorial language and choice of subjects to paint. His “Flowers”, “Landscapes”, and “Glimpses of houses”, always presented with grace and delicacy of colour, derive from these years, thanks to the quality of the teaching he received from Maria Maltoni based on the maximum freedom of expression. In fact, as can be understood from leafing through the book La Maestra e la Vita – Maria Maltoni e la scuola di S.Gersolè (Noèdizioni, Impruneta 2006), the School of S.Gersolè had a decidedly positive influence on all the young students lucky enough to go there. The lessons were held in the same room with all the students from the first to the fifth grade and upwards. They were left to write and draw whatever they liked, taking inspiration from the rural environment they lived in for the purpose not so much of teaching, that is, reaching a mere scholastic result, but of educating them for life, by allowing them to express themselves fully in complete freedom without the fear of finding an intransigent and repressive judge in their teacher. Still life drawing was the most important subject, accompanied by the keeping of diaries that were later gathered together and published in a book. Over the years this all earned the school of S.Gersolè great acclaim due to its novel teaching methods and their educational effectiveness. This drew the attention of numerous cultural, literary and artistic celebrities (from Pietro Calamandrei to Italo Calvino, from Oriana Fallaci to Michelangelo Masciotta, from Emilio Cecchi to Margaret Gardner, etc.) who praised its methods in the leading newspapers and journals of that era (see the abovementioned volumes at the exhibition held in Villa Corsini- Mezzomonte in 2006, the exhibition held at the Istituto degli Innocenti, Florence, in 2007 and the extensive bibliography from the forties onwards).


Following the family’s move to another home, still in the municipality of Impruneta but outside Mezzomonte, Luciano Pasquini left the school of S.Gersolè and finished primary school with another teacher. However, he never lost touch with that Tuscan countryside that has remained a constant in his paintings, just as everything that he learnt and experienced at the school of S. Gersolè is etched in his mind, while for a few more years he still continued to draw with crayons (“6 Giotto coloured pencils”) following the path laid down by Maria Maltoni, and with the same enthusiasm as the children of S. Gersolè.


He started drawing again, passing directly over to oil colours and thus rekindling the passion, ignited at the school of S.Gersolè that had lain under the ashes for so many years. In fact, if we examine his early works there is an undeniable similarity between these drawings and those carried out at the school. However, he only became aware of this affinity in 2006, when he visited the exhibition of drawings “in the S.Gersolè style”, held at Villa Corsini at Mezzomonte (Impruneta), and was able to compare the setting and composition with his “still life” paintings and especially his “flowers”, a subject that is ever-present throughout his artistic career.


His first one-man show was held with his brother Mauro at Camonti (Arezzo), at the exhibition organised by art critic Pietro Civitareale, with whom he still maintains relations based on friendship and work, and who also wrote Pasquini’s first monograph (I colori della memoria – The colours of memory, Poesiarte, Florence 1988).




He collaborated with the Fratelli Alinari gallery (later Ducci) until October 2012, and also with the Ponte Vecchio Gallery of Florence, with whom he continues to collaborate in an active and ongoing manner.


He was also present on the Riviera del Conero (AN), with one-man shows (that have been held continuously since then), organised with the patronage of the Municipality of Numana and filmed by RAI-TV, which has given extensive visibility of his paintings during the TG3 Regione Marche. His frequent sojourns in this area provided the inspiration for his seascapes.


He became acquainted with the Reato family, entrepreneurs of Rovigo, and it was Eugenia Reato who introduced Pasquini’s paintings to the Veneto region, promoting his exhibitions in the “Il Quadrivio” Gallery in Rovigo and the “La Botega dei Pitori” Gallery in Belluno.


He met the owners of the “Belvedere” Art Gallery through whom he was able to put on one-man shows from 1991 to 1999 at “ARTE FIERA BOLOGNA”, events that had a very positive influence on all his artistic activity.


Following long-term collaboration with the company Koryu Co. Ltd. in Tokyo, a one-man show was organised in the Japanese capital at the Modern Art Gallery Inc. In the wake of this exhibition, the artist’s studio became the Mecca of various groups of Japanese collectors whose visits were promoted by Mr. Jaganisawa, art merchant in Tokyo. – This year also marked the start of personal collaboration with the Arte Moderna F.lli Orler Gallery and throughout the 90’s, the extraordinary personage, Ermanno Orler, made frequent visits to the artist’s studio and home accompanied by his wife.


By now many Italian and foreign art galleries had opened their doors to Pasquini’s paintings. Thus an intense and profitable collaboration was consolidated with the world of painting, also backed up by numerous exhibitions in public buildings.


During his one-man show at the Arte Fiera Bologna, he became acquainted with the staff of Editoriale CDE of Castel del Piano (GR), headed by Luciano Mastacchini. This was the start of an intense business relationship with the company that has lasted up to the present day.


The University of Camerino organised an exhibition at the Palazzo Arcivescovile, and also produced and printed the monograph “Dentro il paesaggio”(Inside the landscape) with texts by Paolo Levi and Mario Giannella, Rector of this University during this period.


An assiduous and lasting collaboration commenced with “SANGIORGIO” Investimenti d’Arte – Bari, a company with a network of salespeople working all over the country who promoted Pasquini’s works with remarkable success.


He met art critic Marcello Venturoli who was responsible for producing the monograph “Paesi e Fiori specchio dell’anima” (Landscapes and flowers, mirror of the soul), and the catalogue for his one-man show at ARTEFIERA Bologna in 1999.


The “Sangiorgio” Investimenti d’Arte organised a one-man show at its headquarters in Freiburg (Germany).


In collaboration with “Sangiorgio” Investimenti d’Arte, the “Lazzaro by Corsi” Art Gallery in Milan organised the exhibition “Bellezza sognata”(Dreamed-of beauty) with a catalogue forming part of the collection I quaderni della galleria, with texts by Domenico Montalto.


The Regione Toscana held an exhibition for him in the headquarters of the Regional Council, and a monograph was produced by Giovanni Faccenda entitled “La natura e una certa silenziosa beatitudine…”(Nature and a certain silent bliss), with texts by Riccardo Nencini, President of the Regional Council of Tuscany.


Giovanni Faccenda was responsible for publishing another monograph entitled “Risvegli della natura, risvegli della pittura” (Re-awakenings of nature, re-awakenings of painting), to accompany the exhibition held in the Cafaggiolo Castle in the Municipality of Barberino del Mugello under the patronage of the Regione Toscana.


He received the prestigious “Career Award” from the Municipality of Numana (AN) during an important event held each year in the Municipality of the Riviera del Conero. During the same year the Municipality of Perugia organised the show “La natura come fonte di poesia”(Nature as a source of poetry) held in the Sale Cannoniera of the monumental ROCCA PAOLINA, and for which Giovanni Faccenda produced the monograph in collaboration with Fabio Migliorati. At the end of the same year he was also present at the “Arfin” Art Centre in Alcamo (TP) which held a one-man show, thus consolidating his relationship with this centre that dated back to 1992.


His work was on display at the Giudecca of Venice in the “Giudecca 795” Art Gallery, his first one-man show in this city.


Under the aegis of the Ministry for Cultural Assets and Activities, Special Superintendency for the Polo Museale Romano, the show “Itinerari (anche) sentimentali (Itineraries… also sentimental)”, was staged in the fifteenth-century refectory of the National Museum of PALAZZO VENEZIA, by Giovanni Faccenda, with articles by Claudio Strinati, Salvatore Italia, and Tullio De Mauro, and poetry by Fabio Migliorati. A new monograph was also published on this occasion. – During the same year, film director Michelangelo Pepe, who produces all the programmes of Piero and Alberto Angela, Superquark and Ulisse, decided to create a film on Pasquini’s artistic life. – Between July and September Pasquini was the protagonist of the cultural event “Incontro con l’autore” (Meeting with the author) that the “L’Incontro” Art Gallery has been organising for the last twenty years at the “Fortino Napoleonico” of Portonovo Ancona. – The year closed with a one-man show held in the “Sala delle Colonne” of the Municipality of Pontassieve (FI) entitled “Silenzi di Natura” (Silences of Nature), which is also the title of the new monograph with articles by Giovanni Faccenda, Marco Mairaghi, Alessandro Sarti, Cristina Acidini, Tullio De Mauro, and Michelangelo Pepe, sponsored by the Municipality of Pontassieve, the Ministry for Cultural Assets and Activities, and the Superintendency for the Patrimonio Storico, Artistico ed Etnoantropologico and for the Polo Museale of the City of Florence.


In April, with the sponsorship of the Municipality of Matera, the exhibition “Essenza del vero” (Essence of truth) was held in the rock church of Santa Maria de Armeniis and the art studio “viabrunobuozzi 152” Sasso Caveoso, Matera, with the organisation and editing of the catalogue by Emanuele Coretti and Beniamino Contini for the Associazione Culturale “L’Atelier Arte”. – In July and August, the new monograph “Silenzi di Natura” was presented at the exhibition with the same name sponsored by the Municipality of Numana. – In November, on reviving strong relations with Centro d’Arte “Arfin”, Galleria Giuseppe Alcamo, a one-man show was held on their new premises in Via Marchese Ugo in Palermo. – In December an exhibition was held in collaboration with the Associazione Culturale “Eventa 04” in the State Archives of Milan, Palazzo del Senato, under the aegis of the Ministry of the Cultural Heritage. This exhibition was sponsored by the Fondazione Rotary Club di Milano per Milano, with the launching on this occasion of the new monograph “Sguardi Lievi” (Light-hearted glances) produced by Salvatore Italia.


On reviving the solid relations with the Municipality of Numana, initiated in 1976 and renewed each year, a series of paintings was exhibited from the new monograph “Sguardi Lievi”. At the end of the year the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro di Milano, Piazza S.Fedele “Palazzo BNL” displayed works by Luciano Pasquini at a one-man show in the BNL per TELETHON 2011 programme that was concluded on 5 January 2012.


In May the artist participated in “ART&TOURISM” at the Fortezza da Basso in Florence. – “Toscana Style”, a supplement of the weekly magazine, SETTE, of CORRIERE DELLA SERA, dedicated its cover to one of his paintings. – From 14 July to 2 September, there was the continuation of the exhibition “Il Sentiero della Poesia” (The Path of Poetry) in Numana under the patronage of the city council, recently presented in Milan as well. – From 16 July to 16 September he took part in a collective exhibition entitled “INCONTRO CON GLI AUTORI” (Encounter with the authors) presented by Philippe Daverio at the Hotel Fortino Napoleonico of Portonovo (AN). – At the end of this year a monograph will be produced entitled “Dagli angoli d’ombra agli orizzonti dipinti” (From shadowy corners to painted horizons) EDITORIALE GIORGIO MONDADORI, which will accompany all the scheduled exhibitions.


As of 19 January, for the second time the monumental Rocca Paolina in the Municipality of Perugia will be hosting a one-man show of Pasquini’s works, to be repeated again in July and August on the Riviera del Conero in the Municipality of Numana. – From 14 September to 3 November another historic fortress, Rocca Aldobrandesca in the Municipality of Piancastagnaio (Siena), will open its doors to the public with works by the artist, and also in this case the exhibition will be backed by the new monograph.


– In March there will once again be a presentation in his home town Florence, with a cycle of seven meetings with seven leading painters at the “Bottega Ristori”, one of the most prestigious reference points in this sector, with the acclaimed event “Un Tè da Ristori” (Tea at Ristori) – On 17 May a new exhibition will be held at the Terme Excelsior of Montecatini Terme. The inaugural evening will be held in the splendid venue of the Excelsior with a concert by Mr. Davide Bandieri (Clarinet) and Prof. Alessandra Gentile (Piano). Following, Pasquini will be offering several paintings to As.Va.L.T. for a collection in favour of this ONLUS charity organisation. The exhibition, with the patronage of the Regione Toscana, and City Council of Montecatini Terme, will be on until 16 June. – The latest works of the painter will be presented in the splendid Riviera del Conero setting, in the Municipality of Numana, at the usual summer exhibition that has been held here every year since 1976.



– 21 March, the temporary show “Le immagini garbate” (Amiable Images) was opened by Alessandro Sarti at the Art Hotel Villa Agape in Florence at the same time as the inauguration of the Art Hotel itself, an Époque residence located amidst the most enchanting of the ring of hills surrounding Florence, in the vicinity of Piazzale Michelangelo. Participating in the ceremony were the Historical Procession of Pontassieve and the highest authorities of Florence.
– 30 April – 11 May, the show “Le immagini garbate” was a protagonist at the first edition of “Flora Firenze” at the Mulina Racetrack in the Cascine Park of Florence. On occasion of this exhibition, held under the patronage of the Regione Toscana, Pasquini created paintings on the spot with the entire proceeds from the sale of these works being donated to the prestigious Florentine Meyer Children’s Hospital.
– July – August, several paintings forming part of the “Le immagini garbate” were on display in the small gallery of Numana, where the artist was exhibiting for the umpteenth time, thus renewing and consolidating his partnership with the beautiful town of Riviera del Conero.


– 9 January, the New Year started off with one of the most important operations in the long career of this artist: at the proposal of SOGES S.r.l., the temporary show at the Art Hotel Villa Agape in Florence was transformed into a Permanent Anthological Exhibition (the Pasquini Museum). Numerous art collectors and friends from cities all over Italy attended the presentation by art critic Giovanni Faccenda. Art historian, Chiara Certini has been appointed curator of the exhibition/museum
– March, the Bottega d’Arte Franco Ristori successfully renewed its elite and select cycle of exhibitions entitled “Un Tè da Ristori” (Tea at Ristori’s), and this time it was Luciano Pasquini’s turn with a presentation by art critic Giovanni Faccenda.
– May – October, another prestigious Tuscan location is now hosting numerous works by Pasquini: this is the magnificent Charterhouse of Pontignano (a few kilometres from Siena) that has opened its doors to the exhibition entitled “Building with colour”. The dedicated catalogue, edited by Chiara Certini, also includes critiques by Cristina Acidini, and greeting by Eugenio Giani. Under the patronage of the University of Siena, the Regione Toscana, the Municipality of Castelnuovo Berardenga and the British Council, the Charterhouse will also host the Convention of Pontignano, to be held in September and this twenty-fourth edition will be attended by politicians, entrepreneurs, businessmen, journalists and opinion makers from the United Kingdom and Italy. The exhibition of Pasquini’s works will end on October 16.


– 14/15 January, the Art Hotel Villa Agape organised the second edition of the encounter with Pasquini’s friends and art collectors, an extraordinary two-day experience of full immersion into art, nature and wonderful food.

On this occasion it was decided, again at the proposal of the SOGES GROUP, that the exhibition at the Certosa di Pontignano (Siena) would also become a Permanent Anthological Exhibition (Second Venue of the Pasquini Museum).

– 25 March – 8 May the exhibition “The fragrances of colours” curated by Giovanni Faccenda was inaugurated in Palazzo Guazzesi (Circolo Artistico) – Arezzo, organised by the Bottega d’Arte Franco Ristori, Florence, promoted by Luciana Teghini and sponsored by the Municipality of Arezzo.

– In May this year a new art gallery called “Firenze Art Gallery” was opened in one of the most beautiful squares in Florence, Piazza Ognissanti, visited by an international clientele. The collaboration with this gallery was immediate due to its managers, Franco Ristori and Roberto de Ruggero, already being promoters of Pasquini’s work.

– In July and August two exhibitions will be held simultaneously in two venues loved by the artist: the Municipality of Numana and the Municipality of Andalo, and both shows will be accompanied by the new monograph “The intimate embrace of colours”. The one in Numana has been an ongoing annual event ever since 1976, while in Trentino Alto Adige, various municipalities have opened their public spaces for Pasquini’s one-man shows. The first was in Bressanone in 1989, followed by Glorenza, Merano, and Cles, this last municipality in the Van di Non, where his collaboration with the Fedrizzi Gallery started in 1991. Also in the province of Trento, at Madonna di Campiglio, the collaboration with the Gallerie F.lli Orler Galleries has continued uninterrupted for more than a decade.

The exhibition and catalogue of Andalo have been curated by art historian, Graziano Cosner, with the patronage and active collaboration of the Municipality of the Autonomous Province of Trento.

– 21/22 October, the Certosa di Pontignano, now set up as a Permanent Anthological Exhibition, will host the second edition of the encounter with Pasquini’s friends and art collectors, and will also organise, among other things, of a guided tour of the beautiful city of Siena.


– 24-25 February, the third edition of the meeting with friends and collectors was held at the Art Hotel Villa Agape in Florence for the visit to the Permanent Anthology Exhibition, “Le Immagini Garbate” (Amiable Images). This edition was presented by Prof. Salvatore Italia, world expert in cultural heritage legislation, a subject that he teaches at various universities. Prof. Italia personally collaborated in the founding of the MIBAC (Ministry of the Cultural Heritage) in which he has held very important executive positions.
-July-August, a one-man show will be held in the Municipality of Andalo with the patronage of the Municipality and the Autonomous Province of Trento, curated by critic and art historian, Graziano Cosner, with the presentation of the new catalogue, “THE BREATH OF MY LAND”.
This year the inauguration of the exhibition will be accompanied by a concert conceived and created by Maestro Davide Bandieri, first clarinet soloist in the Chamber Orchestra of Lausanne since 2012, and from 2004 to 2011 small clarinet soloist of the Orquesta Sinfonica of Madrid, (regular Orchestra of the Teatro Real). For the exhibition, the concert will be performed together with Prof.Anna Maria Battistini on the viola.
– Also in July and August, Pasquini’s artworks will be exhibited on the Riviera del Conero, in Numana, with the presentation of the new catalogue.
– 27-28 October 2018 will mark the third edition of the meeting with friends and collectors at the Certosa di Pontignano, Siena.




– March 16/17, the 4th edition of the get-together with friends and collectors for the usual visit to the Permanent Anthological Exhibition at the Art Hotel Villa Agape, as well as a visit to the artist’s studio and a museum in Florence.
– 23 March “Ricominciando dal colore” (Starting over again with colour) an evening to thank the physicians, physiotherapists, and friends at the Art Hotel Villa Agape in Florence.
– July/August, “Ricominciando dal Colore” was also the name of the exhibition on the Conero Riviera, in splendid Numana, where his exhibitions have been held for decades.




– Some public exhibitions were cancelled, and the only holiday this year was in Numana, a place dear to the painter, where he has been presenting his works for almost fifty years.




– 7On 7 May he took part in a long-term group exhibition held at Villa Vittoria -Palazzo dei Congressi. Florence, by the Florentine Trade-fair Congress and Exhibition Center.
– From 24 June to 29 August, the painter’s small gallery in Numana will be holding an exhibition of his most recent works.
– From 12 September to 24 October there will be an exhibition in the Museum of the Festa dell’Uva (Grape Festival) in Impruneta (FI), the place where Pasquini spent his childhood up to the age of 14. For this occasion, a new catalogue will be published, “SUL SENTIERO DEL PRIMO RESPIRO” (On the path of the first breath), which will also be the title of the exhibition, edited by Tullio del Bravo, with an introduction by Michelangelo Pepe.
– 23/24 October – friends and collectors will be invited to the Art Hotel Villa Agape for the 5th edition.



Silvano Salvatici (left) and Luciano Pasquini on the desks of San Gersolé School in 1948.</p

Silvano Salvatici (left) and Luciano Pasquini today in the Tuscan painter’s studio.



– July/August exhibition in the Numana showroom.



– July/August exposure in the Numana showroom.



– From April 6, the new “Art Gallery Florence” of Franco Ristori and Roberto di Ruggero, in the program “Un Te da Ristori,” exhibits the artworks of Luciano Pasquini.
– April 6 and 7 6th meeting with friends and collectors for the usual visit to the Permanent Anthological Exhibition at the Art Hotel Villa Agape, as well as a visit to the painter’s studio.
– uly/August exhibition in the showroom in Numana.
– From December 11 to 21, the exhibition THE COURAGE OF BEAUTY will be held at the “Carlo Azelio Ciampi” Exhibition Space – Palazzo del Pegaso, Via de’ Pucci, 16 Florence. A new catalog will also be prepared for the occasion.


Luciano Pasquini in the study “Le Pozzacce” – 2024